TMPL_262_PPRO.txt *****: list (until end of resource) Type: 4-byte integer (char) Creator: 4-byte integer (char) AppCreator: 4-byte integer (char) Enabled: boolean File Description: cstring App Name: cstring TMPL_261_SUFX.txt *****: list (until end of resource) Type: 4-byte integer (char) Creator: 4-byte integer (char) Binary: boolean BinHex: boolean Suffix: cstring Description: cstring TMPL_260_STCT.txt *****: list (until end of resource) Shortcut Name: pstring (1-byte length) Machine Name: pstring (1-byte length) User Name: pstring (1-byte length) Password: pstring (1-byte length) Directory: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_259_TXTs.txt Text File Creator:: 4-byte integer (char) TMPL_258_TYPs.txt File Type:: 4-byte integer (char) File Creator:: 4-byte integer (char) TMPL_256_FHLP.txt Fetch Help Text: cstring TMPL_129_bMRM.txt Enter bMRM: 4-byte integer (char) Enter $A9FF: 2-byte integer (hex) Version: 2-byte integer (hex) Menu ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Menu Title: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment) Menu Item No: 2-byte integer (decimal) Menu Item String: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment) (bit field) Any files: boolean Any files created by this APPL: boolean Following files: boolean Following files created by this APPL: boolean Following files and files created by this APPL: boolean Unused: boolean Unused: boolean Unused: boolean spacers: (align to 2-byte boundary) Number of File Types: list (2-byte one-based item count) File Type: 4-byte integer (char)